De Mi caja de notas

Getting Things Done, the art of stress-free productivity (GTD) (Faire avancer les choses, l'art de la productivité sans stress) est le titre d'un livre de David Allen publié en 2001, décrivant une méthode de gestion des priorités quotidiennes, et est depuis 2005 une marque déposée.

Traduction française à raffiner

  • GSD Get Shit Done
  • SLDDTC aka Sors les doigts de ton Cul
  • OrgaYoga (Sophie Januel)

Source vidéo à retrouver (workshop GTD TDWCamp - babozor)



Even though the Getting Things Done book and audiobook have had an immense impact on me, I think the book itself is a pile of shit, and that only parts of the system makes sense. At least for me.

For me, the main things I have gotten out of GTD is the typical Capture, Process, Review, Do workflow and how to think about tasks as in Projects and Contexts.

A GTD system is not something you buy, but rather how you use the ideas from the book to get your stuff done. The combination of tools and how you use them are your GTD system.

The way I do it is that I have a number of different Inboxes. My e-mail, the Inbox in OmniFocus, a Field Notes notebook, a larger Leuchtturm1917 notebook and Drafts. Plus that I use my laptop bag as a physical Inbox. (...)

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