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Archives décembre 2019
Cette page a démarré sur iwc:2019-12-indieweb-gift-calendar.
Le Calendrier 🎁 Cadeau Indieweb (précédemment IndieWeb Challenge) est un effort de groupe pour livrer un ou plusieurs trucs en rapport avec l’IndieWeb chaque journée de décembre que les autres pourront utiliser pour améliorer leur expérience IndieWeb. Tout le monde peut participer, et si vous cherchez des idées, regardez la section Inspiration en-dessous.
Ceci peut être tout ce qui a trait aux contributions majeures sur le wiki / améliorations sur les dates de livraison de n’importe laquelle des Bibliothèques de la communauté, plugins (ou mises à jour), services, CMSs, ou tous les autres projets utilisés par beaucoup de personnes.
Regardez le Calendrier cadeau de l’année dernière (où nous avons livré quelque chose tous les jours !) pour des exemples spécifiques.
Gardez à l’esprit les Considérations et si vous n’êtes pas sûr, vous pourriez vouloir produire un premier engagement pour vous-même (et le suivre) afin de livrer quelque chose que vous utiliserez sur votre propre site, car cela aidera probablement, car cela révélera probablement les chemins pour améliorer les choses pour la communauté en tant qu’ensemble et que les autres pourront aussi utiliser :
Une fois que vous aurez achevé quelque chose, écrivez un petit post sur votre blog et reliez-le au calendrier en-dessous.
| ||||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 IWC SF session videos posted! | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 New Drupal IndieWeb release |
16 | 17 | 18
| 19 h-feed support de Meetup.com | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 Amélioration de la documentation wiki WordPress Ajout support bibliothèque RSVP de Meetup.com vers Granary |
30 | 31 |
SVP gardez à l’esprit les considérations suivantes au moment d’ajouter quelque chose à une journée :
- It must be shipping / usable, not just a blog post announcing / saying you plan to do it.
- Is it clear what your thing does?
- Is it clear how someone is supposed to use it or otherwise benefit from it?
- What use-case does it solve for others (besides yourself)? Ask yourself, how would/could someone else in the community use the thing I'm posting?
- If it's a markup / styling example, is it clear what its purpose is, and how someone could/should copy the markup/styling and customize it for their own site?
- If it's a programming example, is it clear how an indieweb site could use the code, using what language(s)? Does it require any frameworks?
- If it's a code example or project, is it clearly open sourced, with a clear link to its GitHub or other code repo that has at least a README explaining how it can be used for either direct user benefit or to enhance existing indieweb sites?
Looking for something to do to benefit the community?
In general (feel free to add things here that you find inspiring in general, or hope someone else is inspired to do :)
- to-do and look for something you can do in a day!
- look for easy IndieWebify issues to fix, fix one, and get an update deployed
- New release of microformats2 parser(s)
- php-mf2
- ...
- Work on 2019-review and previous years that weren't completed
- ...
Specific inspirations:
Tantek Çelik: In addition to to-do items I've added (which anyone should feel free to snipe), I want to:
- Update mf2 parsing spec with resolved issues
- Move mf2 issues forward in state per the mf2 parsing spec change process
- Determine set of GitHub Labels for mf2 issues based on mf2 parsing spec change process (similar to / re-use from those on the CSSWG repo), consider also what labels would help h-entry change process.
- Add minimum necessary Labels to the mf2 issues repo to capture and make explicit issue / change proposal stages / next action needed / waiting for.
- Use space separated labels using underscores in hashtags per Falcon working on: tags with spaces to add labels in reply posts to GitHub issues on CSSWG, mf2 repos
gRegor Morrill: I'm interested in getting a new release of php-mf2 out.
- I have a handful of pull requests that have been reviewed but not merged, if another contributor could double check those and merge that would be much appreciated
- Are there any other open issues we can quickly fix and merge before the release?
- Modèle:Fluffy I'd love to work with someone to get AutoAuth in a usable state.
En progrès
Got something you're working on for the IndieWeb Gift Calendar but it's not quite complete or ready for community re-use? Feel free to link to it here while you're working on it, especially if you'd like others to review it, provide feedback etc.
- ...
- ...
Previously called the "IndieWeb Challenge", it was renamed 2019-12-07 due to confusion about who was it for (yourself, others). Renaming discussion follows:
Note: planning to rename 2019-12-04 morning PST to best consensus choice, absent objections. - Tantek Çelik
- Current top candidate: IndieWeb Challenge -> IndieWeb Gift Calendar
There have been multiple new community members that have (mis)interpreted "IndieWeb Challenge" as something they’re supposed to make/post/ship *on their own site* for the month of December, instead of the intent of making something *for others* to be able to use. The notion/framing of a "challenge" does imply personal accomplishment so this is an understandable mistake.
Thus it is worth considering renaming "The IndieWeb Challenge" to something which more directly communicates the intended meaning of "ship something IndieWeb-related that benefits the community, people in addition to yourself, every day of December".
Candidates (feel free to add more)
- IndieWeb Challenge
- -1
Tantek Çelik current name has shown to be problematic, also may want to re-use for something like Brad Frost's ”Making Things in December”
- -1 Modèle:Fluffy Agree that the name makes it feel like a personal challenge to improve one's site/self rather than helping the community
- -1
Aaron Parecki agree that it's been confusing for people
- -1
- IndieWeb Gifting
- +0
Tantek Çelik could live with this
- -0
Aaron Parecki not a big fan of the connotations associated with "gifting"
- -1/0/+1 Modèle:Addyourself
- +0
- IndieWeb Giving
- -1
Tantek Çelik this sounds too much like an actual $ funding campaign
- -1
Aaron Parecki too much like fundraising
- -1/0/+1 Modèle:Addyourself
- -1
- IndieWeb Gift Calendar
- +1
Tantek Çelik my preferred choice currently, directly communicates the gift (to the community) intent / similarity to an Advent Calendar
- +1
Jeremy Cherfas gave a 👍🏼 reaction in Slack to this statement
- +1
Aaron Parecki "That does make it more clear what it is" - probably the least bad option
- +1 Modèle:Fluffy More of a 0.5 (rounded up) in that I think it's less-bad than the current name but "calendar" implies advance planning to me
- -1/0/+1 Modèle:Addyourself
- +1
- ...
Voir aussi
- challenge
- Latest: IndieWeb Gift Calendar