De Mi caja de notas
⚓️ Today in Paris, on tuesday 1st february 2022
Today is tridi 13 Pluviôse in the year of the Republic CCXXX, celebrating laurel —@:sansculotides
♥️ Health
Hyperexcitalibilité ventriculaire modérée mais significatives avec 308 ESV isolées quasi monomorphes et un doublet
Minime hyperexcitabilité supraventriculaire avec 15 ESSV et deux doublets.
Absence de pause ou bradycardie significative.
To be followed with a stress echocardiography (Demande échographie cardiaque d'effort)
🧠 Health : time-anxiety
Nesslabs Note-Making Challenge D1
Lien de référence : Zettelkasten - Using fleeting notes for quick capture. https://community.nesslabs.com/c/note-making-challenge/day-1-using-fleeting-notes-for-quick-capture
Exercice based around "time anxiety".
Working on a Roam Research shared graph with the class.
Happy to make space for a small moment to overcome my fear of thinking.
Jotting down some first notes in English in my workbook.
Eager to learn with the group how to change my current personal note-taking habits.
Feeling : overcome my fear of working in public.
Time-anxiety is an ogre that I have to overcome every day.
Over-thinking about my fear of writing.
Fear of writing and thinking in English.
Fear of not being on time, fear of wasting my time, fear of living a live without meaning.
Fear to reinvent myself.
Inspiring tweet
> Each day is a collection of moments. Experience each one as it comes, letting go of judgments and expectations. Make them peaceful for yourself, a calm center among the myriad things happening around you. #mindfulness #wellbeing — Tanya J Peterson
Reinvent yourself regularly
People say everything is connected.
They’re wrong.
Everything is disconnected.
There is no line between moments in time.
Follow the great book
2028_12 : Mindfulness Journal Anxiety Prompts Practices