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Blogger est un silo d’hébergement de contenu de blog possédé par Google.

"Blogger" était le nom d’une des premières applications de service de blogging (SaaS) qui utilisait votre propre domaine et votre propre fournisseur d’hébergement pour le stockage de votre blog, et FTP comme une API pour éditer votre site. Si l’application Blogger tombait, votre site fonctionnait encore (pour servir servir vos posts) - la seule chose que vous ne pouviez par faire était d’utiliser l’application pour éditer ou publier de nouveaux posts. En ce sens, le Blogger original était tout à fait un outil complètement IndieWeb - vous possédiez et contrôliez toujours entièrement votre contenu, car tout était stocké chez votre propre hébergeur.

Google a fermé l'application Blogger le 2010-05-01.[1]

L'équipe Blogger a créé "" comme une version hébergée (silo) de l'application Blogger, qui a ensuite été diffusée à partir de puis renommée "Blogger", remplaçant ainsi la signification d'origine et la fonctionnalité de l'application web avec un silo.

Hébergement de domaine

Il est possible de paramétrer Blogger pour servir gratuitement votre blog sur votre propre domaine pour démarrer sur l’IndieWeb.

Regardez en particulier ce tutoriel :


Les problèmes que les personnes ont rencontrés avec le support de domaine personnalisé chez Blogger.

  • Blogger defaults to dynamic templates, which create pages without HTML content (they are dynamically generated by JavaScript API calls). Example: (fetching will get the mobile version, which does contain HTML).
  • Blogger adds a rel="me" link to your Google+ profile URL, but it uses the long form (21 digit number), not the human readable name, thus confusing IndieAuth.


Blogger doesn't have built in support for webmentions, but Bridgy can send, receive, and display webmentions for Blogger blogs. You can also receive webmentions with and

Les utilisateurs possèdent leur contenu

Google's TOS (which cover Blogger directly; checked 2014-07-21) assert that users retain ownership and copyright over all content and intellectual property they post. From Your Content in Our Services:

Some of our Services allow you to upload, submit, store, send or receive content. You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content. In short, what belongs to you stays yours.

Exportation de Data

You can export Blogspot-hosted content by logging into and going to Settings, then Other for each blog, then choosing Back up content. This will generate an XML file with your site's content and template. You can also manage videos from the same settings view. The backup does not include any images.

Google Takeout for Blogger will export both your content and your activity such as commenting on other blogs. Your blog content will be in ATOM format, while other information like followers and settings are in CSV. Your comments are provided in ATOM format. While videos should be included, again images are not.

Other options:


It is possible to use Micropub clients like Quill to post to Blogger sites using Feverdream as a bridge.


Uses PubSubHubbub to publish Atom feeds since 2009-08-17


blogs disappeared

  • 2016-07-24 The New Yorker: Why Did Google Erase Dennis Cooper’s Beloved Literary Blog?
  • 2016-07-29 NYT: The Blog That Disappeared(via @edsu #indieweb)

    On June 27, Mr. Cooper’s Google account was deactivated, he has said. He lost 14 years of his blog archives, creative work, email and contacts.

    Google has not responded beyond saying there was a violation of the Terms of Service agreement. It has neither identified the specific violation nor indicated why it also deleted Mr. Cooper’s email account. It has not provided Mr. Cooper with the ability to download his personal information so he might rebuild his blog and email account elsewhere.

    Mr. Cooper’s is not the only blog that has been deleted over the years. There are reports here and there across the internet about blogs, mostly, being deleted for violations of Terms of Service. What is happening to Mr. Cooper, though, in terms of lack of an explanation, seems to be unprecedented, and he has, as of yet, the highest profile of those who have experienced this measure of data loss.

    The idea of a cloud benevolently storing our personal information, our work, our photos, our music, so much of our lives, is also really nice, but as users, we have no control over the cloud.

les modèles utilisent XML

Blogger templates still require use of their custom XML, which has inconveniences like:

blogger templates are still xml, so I have to CDATA escape the javascript ... [3]

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