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A consultant is someone you can hire to help complete specific projects; there are a few consultants in the IndieWeb community that have experience helping people setup and maintain their own sites, and are available to help you do the same; details inside.
Contact any of the following community members who offer commercial consulting services related to the Indie Web:
Kevin Marks (independent)
- ported Christopher Allen's site from Typepad to static [Hugo]
- made several archival sites static and added indieweb markup
Johannes Ernst (Indie Computing Corp.)
Chris Aldrich (independent)
- has built and maintains several WordPress and Known sites for a variety of actors, directors, and writers/authors.
- specializes in author platforms for the publishing industry
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
If you have experience setting up sites for others (please link to them!) and are available for hire to help with IndieWeb setup, development, and/or maintenance, please add yourself to the list!
See Also