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Kirby is a filed-based CMS written in PHP. Its main developer Bastian Allgeier "can't wait to spend more time on integrating indie web components into Kirby" after making a Kirby webmention plugin at IndieWebCamp (2015/Germany/Demos#Bastian_Allgeier).
Kirby is a CMS that tries to keep things simple. Aimed at beginning programmers, front end developers who don't like crazy backends, and any other devs who like to keep things minimal.
Kirby uses .txt files for storage, thus does not fall in the database antipattern. The content is still dynamically generated, so it's not a static site.
Kirby is more a CMS for developers who build sites for clients. Installing Kirby, the plugins, adding fields to the panel, writing templates, that all requires some developer knowledge. This gives Kirby great flexibility, yet keeps it fast. Once everything is defined and designed, the backend is very fast and user friendly (depending on the setup).
You should use Kirby if you're a developer and are comfortable with installation and setup steps that require (basic) developer knowledge. Or, if you have someone to get everything setup.
- Public APIs to write and read files, so you can provide your own interface for it.
- Creates text files with key-value metadata, where the content itself can be a key with value as Markdown or a json list of blocks which can contain embedded markdown (or other) content.
- Webmention support with:
- Either Kirby Webmentions Plugin
- Or indieConnector + komments plugins
- Micropub support with kirby3-micropublisher (beta)
- Recipe for setting up RelMeAuth
IndieWeb Examples
- Bastian Allgeier (selfdogfooding)
- Chloe Weil (as mentioned in [1])
- Rudiger Meyer (as mentioned in [2])
- "Steffan" at 2015/Germany (Stefan Auditor?) added microformats and micropub endpoint
- Frederic Marx - changed from static site to Kirby, has microformats and sms indieauth
- Sebsel at - ditched the panel and uses Micropub to update (See
- Sebastian Greger is exploring ways to enable webmentions on Kirby 3
Srijan at
- . . .
Community Participation
See Also
- @getkirby on Twitter
- 2017-07-24 criticism: Giving Up on IndieWeb
Kirby plugins - I installed both micropub and webmentions - as far as I can tell, neither work as expected.
- 2017-07-24 follow-up by
Sebastiaan Andeweg:
I am actively working on two new ones at the moment, with some 'official' IndieWeb libraries, with unit testing, hopefully even with panel widgets. They should be much more stable and user friendly than the old ones.
- 2017-07-24 follow-up by
- 2019-05-10
Sebastian Greger releases a working prototype webmentions for Kirby
- - Plugin for Comments, Webmention sending,, POSSE to Mastodon, ...
- flat-file storage
- Kirby Login app
- Mastodon API wrapper for Kirby 3