De Mi caja de notas
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Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels.
Commands and Queries
Loqi will respond to certain commands and queries entered in the chat.
Questions can optionally include a question mark at the end.
- what is xyz, what are xyzs, what is an xyz, what was xyz
- Looks up "xyz" on the wiki and responds with the first sentence of the page that includes a dfn element.
- what is xyz,
- xyz is A Long and Boring Definition
- Adds dfn element
- xyz is _____
- After a "what is xyz" prompt, saying "xyz is ___" will create a new stub wiki page with the definition.
- To create a redirect, after asking for a page, say "xyz is /abd". Loqi creates "abc" as a redirect.
- xyz is http(s)://____, _____
- If the definition starts with an URL, followed by a comma, Kaja will afterwards edit the page to link the
to the URL
- when is X
- Looks up "X" on the wiki, and if it's an event, responds with the date and location of the event
- http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-02-02#t1422900152023
- who is xyz
- Looks up "xyz" on the chat-names page and responds with the
, or the first sentence of the page that includes a dfn element.
- X << [[foo]] (or X << http://example.com)
- Add the specified text to the "See Also" section of page X. If no "See Also" section exists, it will be created.
- what time is it for username
- Looks up "username" on chat-names and return the current time and date in their timezone, if specified.
- What is relevant to the IndieWeb wiki? —a useful question to ask when considering documenting something to the wiki
- !tell username message
- Delivers message to username the next time they speak in the channel.
- !tell userA,userB message
- same as above, but for multiple users
- username++
- Adds 1 point of karma to the username and responds with the total karma points for that username.
- While typically used on chat usernames, karma can be added to any text value, e.g. "coffee++"
- username--
- Subtracts 1 point of karma from the username and responds with the total karma points for that username.
- This is typically used on non-username text values, e.g. "silos--". Be nice to each other. :)
- !karma xyz
- Responds with the current karma points for xyz.
- Retweet a URL by @indiewebcamp (only available to users on chat-names [1])
- <jeremycherfas> !rt http://twtr.io/1YwDs81hEtt
- <Loqi> Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
- <sebsel> !rt http://twtr.io/1YwDs81hEtt
- <Loqi> Thanks sebsel and jeremycherfas! https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp/status/936595100691345408
- !calc <query>
- runs query against Wolfram Alpha. This will do math, timezone stuff, weather lookup, ...
Meme image generation
Loqi will generate meme images when it finds certain pieces of text in a line:
- !meme some text
- Y U NO
- <petermolnar> cweiske Y U NO use Loqi properly?
- all the
- <cweiske> disable all the things
- what if
- <cweiske> what if that worked?
- not sure if $a or $b
- this is .*!
- <tantek> this is why I use fb.com/events as my way to check "happening tonight" !
- one does not simply ...
More are listed in the Meme API on Github
- 24 hours until kylewm's t-shirt
- <Loqi> I added a countdown scheduled for 6/1 11:41pm (#5839)
- ...
- <Loqi> kylewm's t-shirt
- <Loqi> Countdown set by cweiske on 5/31/16 at 11:42pm
- !cancel 5839
- Removes a scheduled countdown
- !standards
- Responds with the link http://xkcd.com/927/
- extracts and posts h-entry
- Like Twitter links, Loqi will fetch the contents of any URL posted and look for an h-entry, posting a summary of the h-entry in IRC
- Displays the full content of github issue comment URLs
- !date 1301943765
- Convert between unix timestamps and readable dates. Try giving him other date formats too.
- Random answer selection
- <cweiske> Loqi, a or b?
- <Loqi> I think a
- <cweiske> Loqi, a, b or c?
- <Loqi> b
- Encouragement
- Woohoo
- <cweiske> Woohoo. Foo bar baz
- <Loqi> yay!
- <Loqi> 😊
- Simulated fun
- <cweiske> haha something completely different
- <Loqi> hahaha
- Giving, returning and eating
- <KartikPrabhu> gives Loqi a cake
- <Loqi> gives back the cake
- <KartikPrabhu> gives Loqi a cake
- <Loqi> peers at the cake
- <cweiske> gives Loqi a Loqi
- <Loqi> eats the Loqi
- !block username
- <aaronpk> !block dahstar
- <Loqi> Okay, I blocked "dahstar" from all IndieWeb Twitter searches
- Jargon nudges
- Multiple mentions in the main IndieWeb chat channel of specific words in the Category:jargon list will cause Loqi to nudge people to other channels. See also: https://loqi.me/jargon/
We've seen a wave of IRC spam over the last few months, so Loqi now has some anti-spam techniques.
- if you say more uppercase than lowercase characters other than the URL, and if you joined in the last 5 minutes, then you get kicked
- if you say the same URL 5 times within a minute, you get kicked
If you're registered on chat-names then these rules do not run. Additionally, if you're registered on chat-names, then you can use the !kick
- You can say
!kick foobar
to kick that person from the room, but only if they joined less than 5 minutes ago
Please add brainstorms and feature requests to Loqi's issue tracker on GitHub.
IndieWeb x Loqi Dominate the Day
- Hey Loqi, read the indieweb summit schedule
- There are 25 items starting at 9:00, 10:00, …
- Hey Loqi, show me my itches list
- I found 5 reminders
- Hey Loqi, get me a ride to HWC
- (rideshare service) can get you a ride in 60 seconds, you can take transit from (nearest station)
- Hey Loqi, what's the temperature in downtown today?
- The high temperature for today in the Financial District of San Francisco will be 69 degrees and the low will be 56 degrees.
- Hey Loqi, read me my last tell
- 08:40
Peter Molnar left you a message, re "zip in zip" 42.zip link
More to link-up and come up with equivalent responses that make sense:
- Hey Loqi, show me photos of my UI sketches
- Hey Loqi, tell aaronpk I want to code Loqi features
- Hey Loqi, how does a PHP array compare to a JS array?
- Hey Loqi, play this week in indieweb podcast
- Hey Loqi, create a new itches section, for next HWC
- Hey Loqi, play https://youtu.be/ufBLI6bB9sg for aaronpk
- create event pages from etherpad notes https://github.com/aaronpk/Loqi/issues/46
Please file bugs with Loqi on GitHub.
See Also
- Bots on IRC
- http://loqi.me
- Loqi the Friendly IRC Bot
- TODO new spam detection technique for Loqi... if someone joins the room and changes the topic within a minute, kick them
- new Loqi trigger: if someone mentions a user who hasn't spoken in a while, and then they say something, say "a wild ___ appears"
- TikTokBot
- feature request: when someone in /irc-people says something who hasn't for say a week or more (at most a month), say something like "Welcome back someone!", or "A wild someone appears!", or some other explicit greeting welcoming their return
- new meme template: "if you could ... that would be ..."
- feature request: It would be cool if Loqi could watch items on events and announce it when or shortly before it starts in the IndieWeb channel
- Add the ability to provide the duration until no changes will be captured in the next newsletter when someone asks something like "When or how long until" "newsletter"
- Feature Request. Enhance the "<<" command to re-use the most recent (say within 10 min window) See Also destination from the same person in that channel, for more easily adding a bunch of See Alsos to the same page. (Require same person because two people could unintentionally interleave uses of <<, same channel because different channel is different context, "recent" because beyond that, the effects may feel unpredictable because you forgot what you most recently See Also'd in that channel)
- bug: fails to pick up dfn from Kaja in response to "What is Kaja"
- Feature request: Tells from Loqi after a few hours tend to lose some context so it would be nice if they included a permalink to the original tell to situate the reader back into the original conversation. (example: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2019-11-13#t1573642447087000)
- the bot of mischief
- Karma
- Documentation in chat: A case study from the IndieWeb by
capjamesg which is also a good introduction for using Loqi to document content into the IndieWeb wiki via chat.
- TODO: Define pronouns.