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Un post est soit un morceau de contenu, soit l'acte de publier ce contenu (généralement d'une manière qui est partagée). Il est différent d'une page
- Un contenu discret (peut-être un note ou un article - voir aussi posts
- L'acte de création du contenu susmentionné
- Aussi utilisé ailleurs, par ex. "posté un commentaire", "posté une photo"
Comment faire
Déterminer :
Et comment faire :
Voir aussi
This article is a stub. You can help the IndieWeb wiki by expanding it.
A post is content published at a permalink, usually with an explicit published date in contrast to a named page, or the act of publishing that content, typically publicly, sometimes to a limited audience or even privately like a draft.
A post can be:
- A discreet piece of content (perhaps a note or an article) — see also posts
- The act of creating the aforementioned content
- Also used elsewhere, e.g in the microcopy of notifications: "posted a comment", "posted a photo"
Why post something? The answer is likely to be very personal, much more so than the general question of why IndieWeb.
Asking “why post” can make you question something you were going to post, can redirect you from posting something on a silo to instead posting on your own site, and can motivate you to post new things that you may have not previously considered posting.
See also:
How to
How to post
- "Open your text editor and write a blog post without overthinking it." -
gRegor Morrill: Hello, 2018!
- Participate in National Blog Posting Month
- Pick a 100 Days Projects that resonates with you, and just start posting something small every day (maybe start with a "7 Days Project" and see how you feel after a week)
- Twelve Blog Post Writing Tips From 2012 - tips for both short and longer form posts. A few of them (see post for full list) -
Tantek Çelik
- Single topic post
- Tweetable post title
- Summary opening paragraph
- Put tangents aside
- Quotable
Tweetablesentences - Local text editor
- Lists are nice
- Literary Hub: “Write a Sentence as Clean as a Bone” And Other Advice from James Baldwin
- ...
How to parse a post
For web developers who are writing code to find and process posts, e.g. to implement a social reader, here are some pages that describe how to discover posts and their aspects, and display posts from elsewhere such as those received via Webmention:
And how to:
What to post
You can post about anything you're interested in, at any time: the personal web is a space of freedom.
Sometimes, some people want to post more, but they lack inspiration.
For specific examples of what to post see:
Why post
Why you (might want to) post, see:
Why post positive things
Tantek Çelik five reasons here:
Why not to post
Perhaps even document thoughts on why you might not post:
- Avoiding self-promotion. Some alternatives:
- ...
Why Post See Also
Why post on a company blog
Apparently to recruit employees.
- "One of the smartest decisions we made at @Cloudflare was recognizing that the primary purpose of our blog was attracting employees, not attracting customers." @eastdakota October 2, 2021
What to post next
Have too many things or drafts to post and not sure what to prioritize posting next or in what order?
Tantek Çelik:
- post things for the future first, RSVPs, events, and other posts like announcements that will positively impact the future, and bring people together constructively in the future
- post things from that day, per
- post previous drafts of positive things oldest to newest from the past week or month, per
Tantek Çelik:
- capture first, edit & publish later:
What else to post
See if any of these resonate: (or add your own when you find sources of inspiration to post)
- Jot down ideas for posts, no matter how incomplete; could just be a word or fragment. Use a text file, notepad, or whatever is easiest for you. Re-visit the list periodically and expand those into posts.
- Anniversaries of projects or activities you started/joined and have kept up with
- publish on the day of or within a few days of the anniversary date
- provide a highlights or a brief summary of what you did on the subject in the past year
- link to previous years's post(s) on the subject
- (good incentive to implement on this day to help remind you of anniversaries!)
- ...
Posting to Support Open Source
- Open Source communities should encourage contributors to post for a variety of reasons.
See Also
- Category:PostType
- posts
- Why post: 2019-10-29 Brent Simmons: You Choose
- Brainstorm why post: Get memories of something topical (like a discussion event) out of your head so you can focus on other things. Especially if you (or anyone!) does not have any notes about the event!
- blog post
- To-do: split why post into its own page, it’s worth its own definition and expansion
- 2022-07-12 Publishing your work increases your luck / For every snarky comment, there are 10x as many people admiring your work.
- create a separate page for why post, and include content like that article ^
- "It's time that advertisers and big entertainment companies accepted that everything on the internet is just posts and that pre-internet ideas about different media types being "worth" more or less just isn't true anymore." @broderick September 28, 2022
- "It's time that advertisers and big entertainment companies accepted that everything on the internet is just posts and that pre-internet ideas about different media types being "worth" more or less just isn't true anymore.
- Brainstorm for what to blog: check what past blog posts you published on this day, and consider writing an update as a new post, especially for particular anniversaries like 1, 5, 10 years afterwards, and then add a link at the top of the old post to the new post
- garden the #Brainstorming and See Also sections for links and content to incorporate into the main article content, or move to why post or what to post