
De Mi caja de notas

⚓️ Paris - SundayFebruary 6th 2022.

🐳 1851 Herman Melville : Yes, as every one knows, meditation and water are wedded for ever.


⛵️ Studying Yachmaster's manual - Note-making to learn vocabulary around "Charts & Positions" chapter 1.

> A straight line on a Mercator chart is called a rhumb line.

How to live ?

Reading and meditating. Inspired by La Rouchefoucauld's Maxims around Love. Playing with french-english inspirational maxims written by Derek Sivers

« 🎲🎲🎲 16. Suis le grand livre. »

— Derek

Happy Feast to Gaston Paris in Paris

Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Impossible d’enregistrer la vignette sur la destination

📷 Gaston Paris exhibition in Centre Pompidou > https://www.centrepompidou.fr/fr/programme/agenda/evenement/dy3iLEW