
De Mi caja de notas

Lunes 17 octubre 2022 (Semana 42-1)

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2022-10-17 El País : Última hora de la guerra, en directo

Objeto volador iraní en el cielo de Kiev al servicio de criminales rusos. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjzftk3OBiy/

All night and all morning, the enemy terrorizes the civilian population. Kamikaze drones and missiles are attacking all of Ukraine. A residential building was hit in Kyiv.

The enemy can attack our cities, but it won’t be able to break us. The occupiers will get only fair punishment and condemnation of future generations. And we will get victory. — President Zelensky via https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjzl4oxDOln/

Biblioteca - Leo Homo Numericus de Daniel Cohen y escucho el harmonica de Charlie Musselwhite