
De Mi caja de notas

Révision datée du 30 décembre 2020 à 10:20 par Xtof (discussion | contributions)

« Elle prit, chez le libraire de la ville, une mappemonde qu’elle cloua près de son miroir, afin de suivre son cousin dans sa route vers les Indes. »

— Honoré de Balzac, Eugénie Grandet, 1834

⚓️Paris, le mercredi 30 décembre 2020

🎵 Mira (Berlin)

@Aymeric découverte sur Antinea de La Reine de Berlin via mon ami Edouard.


Ce sera notre bande-son du réveillon... Écoute son set Au Kater Blau (Berlin) en streaming sur Arte TV et dis-moi ce que tu en penses.



residentadvisor : Mira (ResidentAdvisor)

It’s hard to find s more humble, down to earth human being than Mira, who quietly and steadily has been creating some of the most meaningful, dynamic sets out there.

Though rightfully titled the ‘Queen of Berlin’, Mira avoids the spotlight and instead focuses on quality and her true artistic expressions. She is exponentially flying at the pinnacle of the deep house music scene, headlining the best festivals and clubs around the world. Her unique ability to set and create the perfect vibe while hypnotizing crowds from all horizons has made Mira an artist like no other. She is unanimously acclaimed and unconditionally loved by an ever-growing base of admirers everywhere she goes.

Mira was born and raised in a classical, artistic family: mother, a photographer, father, a musician. A perfect combination and environment to find and establish her own musical abilities. And so, Mira took her first piano lessons at the age of eight. Everything was quite normal growing up if it wasn’t for the country she grew up in: the GDR. Here, artists were an indispensable part of oppositional self-assertion. During the Cold War, her stepfather had to flee to West Berlin which opened a door for Mira into an entirely new world. With the experience she gained from East Germany and the artist collective, Lanetic, she significantly began to shape the East- German- techno scene for more than 10 years before establishing her musical home in Berlin's legendary Bar25, Kater Holzig, and now, Katerblau. While residing in Berlin, she shaped her own unique sound, reminiscent of endless nights full of wonder and intensity.

Just like her sets, Mira is a slow burning artist, who quite by surprise has found the entire deep house world mesmerized by her once-in-a-generation talent. Is she now the Queen of Deep House? If you ask her, Mira will simply smile and go back to selecting her next tracks.



Spotify Mira (Berlin)

L'astrolabe de Roam

Méditation/Exploration : le logo de Roam Research est un Astrolabe

Premier niveau d'interprétation : - Roam est conçu pour construire des cartes - Roam c'est la valorisation des vieilles connaissances

On peut aller plus loin, mais ceci reste un exercice pour l'utilisateur.

Voir Astrolabe sur wikipedia...

Astrolabe nautique, qui aurait appartenu à Champlain, France, 1603

Astrolabe de marin, France, 1603.jpg Champlain with Astrolabe on the West Bank of Ottawa River, 1613 by Jefferys.jpg