
De Mi caja de notas

Do Nothing Sunday
Do Nothing day. Relax.


RSVP shortcode = by Manton Reece[1]

Adds a Hugo shortcode for sending an IndieWeb RSVP.

To RSVP to an event, find the URL for the event and then use the shortcode in a blog post like this:

I'm going to this! {{< rsvp href="" >}}

It will create a link to the event with the appropriate Microformats reply markup. will notice the post and send a Webmention for it.

To keep it simple, links the event URL with the calendar emoji, so the above post will look like this:

I'm going to this! 📅

You use your own text instead of the emoji with a text parameter:

{{< rsvp href="" text="Micro Camp 2022" >}} is my now page on the public web.

  1. To be studied (GoHugo)