Delete your account

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Révision datée du 4 avril 2018 à 04:00 par Xtof (discussion | contributions)
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Cette page a démarré sur iwc:delete your account pour étude avant traduction/remise à jour en français

supprimer votre compte est un encouragement à supprimer votre compte (silo) par ex. 100DaysOfIndieWeb#More_100_days_projects en rapport avec la suggestion de faire 100 jours de suppression de comptes.


"Delete your account" as a phrase was significantly popularized by: (in reference to deleting a Twitter account in particular)


2018-03-19 Delete your Facebook / The only way to win the social game is not to play summarily recommends deleting your Facebook account (and a few others in the closing paragraph) in response to their apparently very poor handling of private data.

The only thing we can do is delete Facebook. And Messenger, and Whatsapp [sic], and Instagram, and every app like them.

silo links added.

In 2018 March (around the same time), #DeleteFacebook was a trending hashtag on Twitter:


See Also