
De Mi caja de notas

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Un idéateur (néologisme canadien) ou « processeur d'idées » est un logiciel bureautique qui permet d'organiser des idées. Les tout premiers « processeurs d'idées » étaient simplement des outils destinés à gérer le plan d'un texte.

En 2007, on distinguait trois types de logiciels idéateurs :

  • logiciels organisateurs de texte ;
  • logiciels de présentation graphique ;
  • logiciels utilisant les graphes sémantiques.

Logiciels organisateurs de texte

Les idées, c'est-à-dire des blocs de textes voire des images, sont organisées en lignes ou en paragraphes structurés de manière arborescente. Le système est très souple car l'utilisateur définit précisément la structure qui correspond à ses besoins et il peut éventuellement la modifier ensuite.

Cette très grande flexibilité explique pourquoi des idéateurs sont utilisables pour des taches extrêmement variées : agenda, répertoire téléphonique, outil de prises de notes, aide pour la création d'un site web ou d'un roman complet

À titre d'exemple, on peut citer les fonctionnalités en mode « plan » ((en) outline) du logiciel Microsoft Word. Il existait également des logiciels entièrement dédiés à la fonction « idéateur » comme ThinkTank (logiciel) (pour Windows) ou More (pour MacIntosh).

Ils ont été largement remplacés par des logiciels d'organisation de texte qui gèrent une arborescence de pages.

Également dans cette catégorie, les logiciels WikidPad et bLADE Wiki étendent la fonction d'organisation du texte en utilisant des hyperliens pour relier les paragraphes.

Logiciels de présentation graphique

Le paradigme arborescent a ensuite été enrichi par une série de logiciels qui permettent de ranger les idées ou les paragraphes sans se limiter à une liste linéaire de lignes ou de paragraphes.

Ces logiciels permettent également d'inclure à la fois du texte et des graphiques

Les cartes graphiques ainsi créées peuvent servir à synthétiser un ensemble d'idées, mais aussi à gérer au quotidien une liste de tâches ou bien d'autres choses encore, notamment comme outils de réflexion collective.

Les synonymes sont « cartes conceptuelles », « cartes heuristiques ».

Logiciels utilisant les graphes sémantiques

Abandonnant le mode arborescent, et sous l'influence de langages d'intelligence artificielle, tel Prolog, il est apparu une nouvelle classe d'outils conceptuels qui organisent les connaissances dans un réseau sémantique.

L'un des premiers est le logiciel Ideliance qui traite une information comme un triplet (objet, relation, objet). L'utilisateur peut créer différentes classes d'objets et de relations afin de structurer ses connaissances. Le logiciel gère ces « grains » de connaissances et peut répondre à des questions complexes, faisant émerger de nouvelles connaissances à partir des anciennes. Ce type de logiciel est encore peu développé.

Logiciels idéateurs

Tableau comparatif des idéateurs de type "organisateur de texte"
Nom OS Faits saillants Remarques


  • Linux
  • La première ligne du contenu d'un item devient son titre
  • Formats d'exportation
    • HTML
    • XML
    • postscript
    • PDF
    • man
    • Autres formats
  • Développé en Python


  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Autres
  • Formatage du texte
  • Prise en charge des images
  • Capture d'écran intégrée
  • Recherche
  • Drag & Drop
  • Pièces jointes
  • Icônes personnalisables
  • Correcteur orthographique
  • Gestion des fenêtres multiples et des onglets
  • Historique de navigation dans les notes (boutons avant/arrière)
  • Exportation en HTML
  • Extensible (modules d'importation depuis Basket, NoteCase, fichiers texte...)
  • utilisable depuis un support amovible (comme une clé USB)
  • Développé en Python
  • Notes sauvegardées dans une base de données SQLite





  • Windows
  • Formatage du texte
  • Drag & Drop
  • Images
  • Formats d'exportation
    • HTML
    • RTF
    • texte


  • Linux
  • Mise en forme du texte
  • Pièces jointes
  • Mots-clés
  • Recherche
  • Classement des notes par sujet
  • Chiffrement
  • Importation depuis plusieurs types de source:
  • Exportation en HTML
  • Notes sauvegardées dans une base de données SQLite



  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Autres
  • Drag & Drop
  • Liens internes et externes
  • Images
  • Chiffrement
  • Compression
  • Pièces jointes
  • Icônes personnalisables
  • Formats d'importation
    • Gjots
    • StickyNotes
  • Formats d'exportation
    • Exécutable (exe)
    • texte
    • HTML
  • N'est plus supporté

NoteCase Pro

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Autres
  • Les mêmes que la version standard


SEO Note

STAR My Data Safe

  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Richtext
  • Chiffrement

Total Text Container



  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Richtext
  • Images
  • L'état de l'arborescence est sauvegardé
  • Drag & Drop
  • Chiffrement
  • Possibilité de fixer une date d'expiration aux notes
  • Icônes personnalisables
  • Disponible en ligne de commande
  • Nécessite Qt 4.x

Vim Outliner, a vim plugin

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Rapide

Il est possible d'utiliser Vim, Emacs, ou tout autre éditeur de texte, comme idéateur.

Pour les logiciels de présentation graphique, consulter la partie logiciels de cartographie mentale dans l'article sur les cartes heuristiques.

Sites internet idéateurs


Voir aussi

An outline in Emacs Org-mode.

An outliner (or outline processor) is a specialized type of text editor (word processor) used to create and edit outlines, which are text files which have a tree structure, for organization. Textual information is contained in discrete sections called "nodes", which are arranged according to their topic–subtopic (parent–child) relationships, like the members of a family tree. When loaded into an outliner, an outline may be collapsed or expanded to display as few or as many levels as desired.

Outliners are used for storing and retrieving textual information, with terms, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs attached to a tree. So rather than being arranged by document, information is arranged by topic or content. An outline in an outliner may contain as many topics as desired. This eliminates the need to have separate documents, as outlines easily include other outlines just by adding to the tree.

The main difference between a hand-written outline and a digital one is that the former is usually limited to a summary or blueprint of a planned document, while the latter may easily include all of the content of the entire document and many more. In other words, as a hand-written work an outline is a writing tool, but on a computer, it is a general purpose format supported by a robust development and display medium capable of handling knowledge from its creation to its end usage.

Outliners may be used in content creation instead of general word processors for capturing, organizing, editing, and displaying knowledge or general textual information. Outliners are ideal for managing lists, organizing facts and ideas, and for writing computer programs. They are also used for goal and task management (including personal information management and project management), and for writing books and movie scripts.

An alternative to outliners are mind mappers, which display a tree structure as a node–link diagram.


The principal attribute of outline editors is that they support or enforce the use of a hierarchy of their items.

  • Editing: Sound parent-child relationships are enforced when the user modifies the document structure. For example:
    • Promoting, demoting, copying, or deleting a parent has the same effect on the children.
    • Every item entry must be within one level of its predecessor, such that each item must be a sibling or child of the preceding item (thus, no item can be a grandchild of the preceding item).
  • Viewing: The tool enables the user to affect the display by level. For example:
    • Applying styles by outline level (e.g., bold all 1st level items).
    • Displaying selected levels (e.g., show all 1st and 2nd level items, but none deeper).
    • Lifting an entire section out to work on it in isolation, ignoring everything else during that editing, then dropping it back into place (known as hoisting and de-hoisting).
  • Search/Filter: The tool displays only items that contain the query terms plus their ancestors (parent, grandparent...) to give them context.
  • File import and export: Both the content and structure of outlines are conveyed when files are imported or exported (e.g., from and to tab-indented files).
  • Fields/Columns: Items can also have additional fields of information. This data can be shown as columns of data in the outline or as fields in the second pane (see 'Layout' below). Some outliners also allow the user to create custom fields and/or filter on fields. It can be changed further.


There are two basic types of outliners: one-pane or intrinsic, and two-pane or extrinsic, each with its strengths and weaknesses.

A one-pane outliner is known as an intrinsic outliner because the text itself is organized into an outline format—individual sections (such as paragraphs) of text can be collapsed or expanded, while keeping others in view. Everything is displayed within a single area, hence the term one pane. One of the strengths of one-pane outliners is that, because the text itself is what is structured and because several nodes of text are visible at once, it is easy to edit across sections. The drawback is that, because the structure is not always visible, there is not as strong an overview of the whole or ability to quickly navigate between sections as with a two-pane outliner. Some word processors, such as Microsoft Word, have an Outline Mode to help with structuring documents.[1][2]

A two-pane outliner separates structure from content—the structure is extrinsic to the text. A tree structure with node titles is presented in one pane, and the text is shown in another. Since the structure is always clearly shown at all times separately from content, this format allows for a quick overview of the structure, and easy navigation. The drawback is that since only one node's worth of text is shown at one time and navigation has the additional step of crossing panes, the structure is more rigid, making editing across nodes more difficult. This view is similar to many file browsers and email programs (which can be thought of as three-pane outliners).[3] This type of structure is useful also as a document management tool where the second pane is a document in place of textual information.

A one- and two-pane outliner may be combined as a hybrid. This allows multiple notes' text and graphics to be shown at the same time. The organizational power of outline in hybrid is in the parent outline structure, not in the second pane text, making it a very effective structure for topical organization. One additional advantage of hybrid is that single pane can be used as single pane outliner with second pane used for notes or reference tracking.

A third approach to intrinsic outlines is the multi-column outliner. It is similar to the one-pane outliner in that the text itself is organized into an outline format. However, the text sections do not collapse or expand, and all sections are visible but held in a separate column (one for each level). This approach allows structure and content to be visible at the same time.

File formats

Several file formats support an outline structure natively or encourage the use/creation of outline structures.

  • XML - XML's purpose is to aid information systems in sharing structured data
  • HTML/XHTML - outlines relatively trivial thanks to nested markup
  • OPML - simple XML-based format designed for outlines, but also used for syndication feedlists
  • OML - alternative to OPML
  • RDF - (various formats) has web-oriented node & arc graph model, a subset can be used for outline
  • XOXO - dedicated HTML-based microformat for outlines
  • CHM - standard Windows format for help, books, etc.

List of outliners

Desktop outliners

Name Operating system Notes
AllMyNotes Organizer Windows Can password-protect file access, supports skins. Free and Portable editions available.
Bike Outliner MacOS Notable for fluid animations and good performance on large files. Also separate text and outline editing modes.
Ecco Pro Windows Freeware outliner. No longer supported. Large users' group. EccoMV add-on for RTF pane.
Freeplane cross-platform (Java) Mind mapper and outliner with comments and graphical connections (links)
GrandView MS-DOS Single-pane outliner dating from the 1980s. No longer supported. Clone feature.
KAMAS CP/M, later MS-DOS (Knowledge and Mind Amplification System) Not as successful for MS-DOS as it had been for CP/M. Limited export capability.
KeyNote NF (formerly Keynote) Windows Mozilla Public License.
KJots Linux A simple outliner text editor which can be used to create a personal wiki. It uses a basic tree structure to organize information: it refers to nodes as 'books' and leaves as 'pages'. It includes a book view, which shows a table of contents, and a view mode for all entries.
Leo Windows/Linux/MacOS Text editor with outlines; remarkably flexible tree structure. Written in Python using Qt.
MORE Mac OS 7/8/9 Classic Mac outliner from the late 1980s & early 1990s
MyInfo Windows Two-pane, but can emulate basic one-pane outliner as well.
OmniOutliner Mac OS X Single/double pane outliner with columns and extensive customization capabilities.
OrgMode cross-platform Emacs outlining mode
Scrivener Mac OS & Windows; Linux beta Flexible content generator for writers; powerful multipane outliner
TheBrain Windows, Mac, iOS, Android Free form graphical outliner
Treeline outliner Windows/Linux Free 3-pane outliner; 2nd pane shows details of highlighted node, 3rd pane lists details of its children.
Whizfolders Windows Two-pane outliner where the left pane contains the outlined list of item titles and the right pane shows the details of selected item. Discontinued.

Browser-based outliners

This table shows a list of notable browser-based outliners categorised by the functionality that they provide (see 'Design' above). Browser-based outliners run inside a desktop or mobile web browser (smart phone or tablet) and may synchronise the outline's data with a remote server or store it locally on the user's device.

Name Promote/ demote Clone Styling Expose/ hide levels Hoist Search Import OPML Export OPML Export other Collaboration Files
The Outliner of Giants Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Workflowy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

See also


  1. ^ Robert S. Houghton (2005-12-31). "Outlining Tutorial for Microsoft Word". Retrieved 2009-02-18.
  2. ^ "How to create an outline in a document in a Word 2002". 2006-07-27. Retrieved 2009-02-18.
  3. ^ "Overview of Windows Outliners". Archived from the original on 2014-09-04. Retrieved 2009-02-18.