
De Mi caja de notas

Personas, … « Nom de scène » in French.[1]

Étude en cours de meatball:PenName

Moreover, personas are part of our everyday lives; we display different personalities to different people or groups of people.

However, the tradition of pen names has both good and bad examples. Hence it is fallacious to appeal to that; the possibility of pseudonyms does not imply their desirability. Moreover, MeatBall is emphatically not a masquerade ball, wherein the use of elaborate personas is significant.

However, this merely implies that pseudonymity itself is neutral. It is likewise fallacious to claim that bad uses (DramaticIdentity, ostentation, trolling, etc.) invalidate pseudonymity itself.

Therefore, at least on this basis, acceptance or rejection of pseudonyms is merely a neutral value judgment.

See also: meatball:SemanticsOfIdentity, meatball:IdentityValidation, meatball:VulnerabilityToCommunity, meatball:EnforceResponsibility, meatball:BasisForPseudonymity, meatball:FocusOnIdentity.

Escadrille CapiWiki to be completed

To be completed with my Dad and Mom :


  • Tof, portraittof is the Pen Name of ChristopheDucamp[5]
  1. PenName has nothing to do with Marine.
  2. who would have liked to be a sailor man
  3. see Helisara 4 on Herbert von Karajan’s vessel PenName
  4. Source Marcel Rufo on France Musique
  5. wp: utilisateur:ChristopheDucamp in French,meatball:ChristopheDucamp or