Skin Foreground

De Mi caja de notas

Révision datée du 27 septembre 2020 à 18:39 par Xtof (discussion | contributions)

Un projet de rhabiller (skin) ce site mediawiki -

Installation de la version

Premiers paramétrages via LocalSettings le 2020-271 à raffiner :

//Param skin foreground


$wgForegroundFeatures = array(

 'showActionsForAnon' => true, //displays page actions for non-logged-in visitors.
 'NavWrapperType' => 'divonly', // only a div with id navwrapper will be created. '0' - no div will be created (old behavior), other values will be used as class.
 'showHelpUnderTools' => true, // a Link to "Help" will be created under "Tools".
 'showRecentChangesUnderTools' => true,
 'enableTabs' => false,
 'wikiName' => &$GLOBALS['wgSitename'],
 'navbarIcon' => true, //affichage du logo
 'IeEdgeCode' => 1,
 'showFooterIcons' => false, //suppresses the output of footer icons.
 'addThisPUBID' => , //empty string will not fire the AddThis script, 'ra-##-#######' publisher ID will allow the run the AddThis script in async on content pages only.
 'useAddThisShare' => ,
 'useAddThisFollow' => 

); ```