Skin Foreground

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Révision datée du 27 septembre 2020 à 18:46 par Xtof (discussion | contributions)

Un projet de rhabiller (skin) ce site mediawiki -

Installation de la version

Params via LocalSettings 

fait le 2020-271 à raffiner

//Param skin foreground

$wgForegroundFeatures = array(

 'showActionsForAnon' => true, //displays page actions for non-logged-in visitors.
 'NavWrapperType' => 'divonly', // only a div with id navwrapper will be created. '0' - no div will be created (old behavior), other values will be used as class.
 'showHelpUnderTools' => true, // a Link to "Help" will be created under "Tools".
 'showRecentChangesUnderTools' => true,
 'enableTabs' => false,
 'wikiName' => &$GLOBALS['wgSitename'],
 'navbarIcon' => true, //affichage du logo
 'IeEdgeCode' => 1,
 'showFooterIcons' => false, //suppresses the output of footer icons.
 'addThisPUBID' => , //empty string will not fire the AddThis script, 'ra-##-#######' publisher ID will allow the run the AddThis script in async on content pages only.
 'useAddThisShare' => ,
 'useAddThisFollow' => 


Docs à l'étude

Usage of NavWrapperType

With a setting like:

   'NavWrapperType' => 'divonly'

and the created div called `navwrapper` anonymous visitors can change the setting of navbar (fixed or sticky) by User-Script (Firefox-extensions like greasemonkey or scriptish), users can take a gadget or their JavaScript, CSS ... :


Or you set class in LocalSettings.php with:

   'NavWrapperType' => 'contain-to-grid fixed'

and visitors will be able to remove this class by their own JavaScript or gadget ...

Navbar Icon

With a setting like:

   'navbarIcon' => true

A top navbar icon will be set using the current image set by `$wgLogo` in `LocalSettings.php`. See$wgLogo for more information about `$wgLogo`.

The icon will be resized to fit into a maximum width of 64px x 36px wide or a 16:9 ratio.

Show Help under Tools

This will add the help link under tools. To control what the help link will link to use the message page, `MediaWiki:Helppage` to set the link target. The link target can be a local page, Help:Contents, or an external URL,

Boutons AddThis

With a setting like:

   'addThisFollowPUBID' => 'yourAddThis-PubID'

Important, this feature uses the free or paid version of the horizontal Follow Buttons only. Choose which social media FollowUs buttons(Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) and at the bottom of the screen locate the script. Within the script you will see something similar `...#pubid=ra-5378f4902d02197">`. Everything after the `=` sign and up to the `">` is your Publisher ID. To turn on social follow icons, insert your publisher id:

   'addThisFollowPUBID' => 'ra-5378f4902d02197'

= Notes on other skins

As you build a wiki out with Foreground you will likely use the responsive grid from Foundation. This is key to making a responsive wiki, and is one of the largest _migration_ requirements when you want to move a wiki that previously used Vector (and likely a lot of tables for layout) to Foreground. Once you do this, the ability of a user to select whatever skin will be removed. If you take full advantage of Foreground in your templates the lack of the Foundation grid will make viewing the wiki using [Vector]( or [MonoBook]( very difficult.

Because of this, it is suggested that you set the `$wgSkipSkins` variable to make sure that everyone sees the site as you intended it. This removes other skins from being user selectable options.

   # Foreground is specific, so lets disable other skins
   $wgSkipSkins = array( 'cologneblue', 'modern', 'monobook', 'vector' );

You may also want to allow users to set a User CSS if they want to tweak things inside of Foreground. This is entirely optional.

   # Allow User CSS, mostly for skin testing
   $wgAllowUserCss = true;

Using Foreground

There is a [mailing list to discuss Foreground]( Please join to connect with others and explore questions about using Foreground on your wiki. You can see a list of wikis with [Foreground installed at WikiApiary](