De Mi caja de notas
Paris, le mardi 8 octobre 2019
On rencontre sa destinée
Souvent par des chemins qu’on prend pour l’éviter.
— Jean de La Fontaine, Fables, L’horoscope, 1678
indieweb et PIMS
Effrayé par la lifestack de Jack Baty qui ne parvient pas à tout trouver : https://www.baty.net/2019/why-cant-i-find-anything/
> It’s amazing, and frustrating, to me when I can’t find some bit of information. It’s not as if I don’t have a place to keep things. Oh, no, it’s definitely not that. I’m well aware that it’s having _too many_ places to keep things that makes it so hard to find stuff.
> Several times this week I went looking for information about something from more than a couple years ago and couldn’t find it. This was maddening, since I like to think of myself as someone who takes copious notes about everything and has a thoughtfully-considered system for storing them.
> But where did I put that one thing? How the hell should I kow? I mean, it’s probably somewhere in one of these…
* Tinderbox * TheBrain * Un fichier texte (Markdown) * DEVONthink * Confluence * TiddlyWiki * Evernote * Curio * Circus Ponies Notebook * Ulysses * Apple Notes * VoodooPad * VimWiki * Org-mode * Mes Blog(s) (GoHugo https://github.com/jackbaty/baty.net-hugo)
> Do you see what I’m dealing with here? It’s madness.
> I start out with the best of intentions. I’ll say, “_This cool New Thing_ is where I’m keeping everything from now on!” I’ll move recent stuff into New Thing and convince myself that I’ve finally solved my problem. For good!
> Fast forward two weeks…
> New Thing is great, but I miss [INSERT FEATURE] about Old Thing. I open up Old Thing and OMG how did I ever stop using this? It’s awesome!
> Sigh. Repeat this on a regular basis over a decade or more and it’s just a confusing, messy, shit-pile and I’m fumbling around in Spotlight hoping to get lucky.
> Anyway, you can probably guess what I’ve been doing this weekend. Maybe I’ll sum it up in another post if I can get over the shame of it all.
Explorations en cours
... Reste concentré sur Drafts, Things et DayOne.
- Blot avec git > regard par curiosité
- TiddlyWiki > par amour des wikis, test en local sauvegardé sur le DD du 💻