
De Mi caja de notas

🌞 Studying in Paris. Monday, February 7th, 2022

Top of mind :

  • Learning Yachtmaster’s manual - Charts and positions.

Note-Making Challenge

11:30 - 12:30 : 1st meeting - Vidéo has been recorded (awaiting link)

soliloque : making Notes to learn

Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Impossible d’enregistrer la vignette sur la destination

Just fleeting notes to elaborate…

Zoom Bug : could not find the button to participate (iPad zoom app).

Declared my intention via chat in a few words : Need to learn a paper book Yachtmaster manual. Showed some details of the book.

Ready to slice the chapters into a first zettelkasten structure.

Tools Digital + Analog : Roam’s spaced repetition and index cards on paper.

About Roam Research

Roam is designed for solo-thinker (…). Collect… Elaborate elsewhere. AL use google docs

Roam is not designed to converse with others and collaborate ….

Next step :

Really inspired by the Feynman Technique, that’s to say being able to teach sailing fundamentals to beginners and non-connaisseurs.

  • Digital : Start with Roam to outline the structure of my zettelkasten (spaced repetition functionality of Roam on the key points)
  • Analog learning : slicing the book by chapter on index-cards + pen to learn/practice spaced repetition…

Have to think

  • make a pdf version of the manual
  • an export to be used offline on my iPhone (Notes App).

Inner voice : Main challenge is not thinking about tools. Really be confident as a good sailor. Being able and at ease to talk with the old Amiral jury :)

Action : Learn and teach

To be practiced and discussed w some mind-match (the Marions ?)

Learning by teaching is really powerful

À annoter dans Things > 2020 Anne-Laure Le Cunff : How to learn anything with the Feynman Technique