
De Mi caja de notas

📕 Thinking Obstacle

empede : Ce qui empêche de passer

L’assaillant trouvait un premier obstacle formé d’une barrière de bois couverte d’un appentis. — (Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, La Cité de Carcassonne, 1888)

16th injonction > Suis le grand livre

🐴 16 frames of image Muybridge race horse animated.gif

Regina Virserius

Biblioteca > Source https://www.reginavirserius.com/artworks/biblioteque

Comment vivre 🎲🎲🎲 > carte 16.

You know what your great book is.
Whether the Bible, Tanakh, Upanishads, Quran, Le Petit Prince, Think and Grow Rich, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, or another, follow it diligently.
Your book is wiser than you.
It’s describing natural law — the way our world works.
It’s not just someone’s opinion.
It has the definitive answers to the choices you’re confronted with each day.
Don’t think you know better.

Liste de lectures de Derek Sivers > https://sive.rs/book