De Mi caja de notas
(Monday Feb 14)
on Monday February 14, 2022 .
|contenu = 16:00 nap 💤 (France Musique Relax 🤙 w Vincent_Dumestre 17:00 Heinrich Schiff - Conductor & Cellist 🇦🇹)
😡 Octave’s photos fuzzy note to myself : test your camera lens 50mm before any event
Make Photowalk outside
The Daily Stoic
For to be wise is only one thing—to fix our attention on our intelligence, which guides all things everywhere.
Why did I do that? you’ve probably asked yourself. We all have. How could I have been so stupid? What was I thinking?
You weren’t. That’s the problem. Within that head of yours is all the reason and intelligence you need. It’s making sure that it’s deferred to and utilized that’s the tough part. It’s making sure that your mind is in charge, not your emotions, not your immediate physical sensations, not your surging hormones.
Fix your attention on your intelligence. Let it do its thing.Attention’s economy
> Potential helps you reclaim your attention — giving you back agency over what you do, how you feel, and who you become. But most of us also have a more direct experience of this: It’s you, me, and our loved ones, being outplayed at the game of directing our own attention.
📖 Je ne peux rien pour qui ne se pose pas de questions.
— Confucius (Entretien v. 555 av. JC) via (carte 16 CapiWiki)
💭 Antibibliothèque : 📕 Marcel Rufo (« accordage affectif «)
Emergent self - (Daniel Stern)
At birth, the infant experiences the world as a barrage of seemingly unrelated sensory stimuli, which s/he gradually learns to "yoke" together using cues such as "hedonic tone" (emotional quality), and temporal and intensity patterns shared between stimuli. This process of integrating and organizing experience, called the emergent sense of self, continues until about two months. It serves as "the basis for the child's ability to learn and create,"[citation needed] and is what Stern believes is the sense of self that is disrupted in the negative symptoms of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
Traduction robot Safari… à raffiner
… "nous devons nous créer comme une œuvre d'art". Michel Foucault (à retrouver en français true self…)À la naissance, le nourrisson vit le monde comme un barrage de stimuli sensoriels apparemment indépendants, qu'il apprend progressivement à "jouer" ensemble à l'aide d'indices tels que le "ton hédonique" (qualité émotionnelle) et les modèles temporels et d'intensité partagés entre les stimuli. Ce processus d'intégration et d'organisation de l'expérience, appelé sentiment émergent de soi, se poursuit jusqu'à environ deux mois. Il sert de "base à la capacité de l'enfant à apprendre et à créer", [citation nécessaire] et c'est ce que Stern croit être le sentiment de soi qui est perturbé par les symptômes négatifs de la schizophrénie et d'autres troubles psychotiques.
Lung Scan (Montparnasse) - (Souvenirs of 45 years of tobacco…) (Prépare-toi au pire)
PhotoFlow Backup’s security from 2022-043’s Photos (8Go)
Note-Making 📖 Yachtmaster’s manual - Chapter 2 - Compass (Alison Noice)}}
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