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pin or pinning est une fonctionnalité qui permet à l'auteur de choisir un post à placer en haut de son profil (ou sa page d'accueil) qui est ensuite appelé un post pinned (épinglé) ou sticky.
Parfois, vous souhaitez attirer l'attention vers un post qui est plus particulièrement pertinent que le post le plus récent dans votre flux, par ex.
- avant un événement imminent (humain) ou la fermeture d'un site
- un événement actuellement actif
- une campagne de levée de fonds
En "épinglant" un tel post en haut de votre flux, vous vous assurez que tous les lecteurs d'actualités (ou les lecteurs revenant) qui visitent votre page d'accueil ou votre profil le voient en premier, et le considère comme récemment (ou encore) pertinent même si ce n'est pas la chose la plus récente que vous avez postée.
Exemples IndieWeb
Aaron Parecki
Aaron Parecki supports pinned posts in tag pages since 2016-12-28, e.g.:
... ajoutez-vous !
Support Logiciel
- WordPress supporte les posts sticky depuis la v. 2.7
Support Silo
Facebook has supported pinned posts on events, pages, and groups for quite some time (the admin/creators of such posts/pages has the ability to (un)pin posts).
- Noticeably absent: Facebook DOES NOT have the ability for a user to pin a post on their own profile/timeline.
Facebook pinned posts appear with a separate header from "recent activity" and look visually distinct from the chronological list of posts.
Twitter's mid-2014 UI update added support for a pinned post on a user profile.
Twitter pinned tweets are marked with "pinned tweet", but otherwise are integrated into the primary list of tweets. supporte l'ajout d'obsessions épinglées tout en haut du profil d'un utilisateur. Ces obsessions sont automatiquement réglées pour expirer après une semaine.
Exemple d'UI pour régler un post épinglé (aka obsession) : remarquez le bouton rouge Fichier:Lastfm set obsession.PNG
Exemple d'UI pour un post épinglé (aka obsession) Fichier:Lastfm pinned obsession.PNG
Plus de pensée sur les posts épinglés / sticky. Différentes idées :
premier ou juste près du haut
- You may not want it to be the first post in your profile - because that may give the illusion that there's nothing newer.
- Possibly 1-2 normal in-stream posts display, then followed by the pinned post, almost like it is a promoted post for itself.
Tantek Çelik: I'm pretty sure I want my pinned post to presentationally be the first post-like thing on my profile, in the stream of posts etc.
- Note:
Aaron Parecki implements pinning as show as first post, and Twitter, Facebook both also implement pinning as first post.
- Note:
présentation spéciale
Any special presentational considerations for pinned posts? Besides being shown "first" (see above)?
Tantek Çelik - the pinned post should have some indication that it is pinned and not just the latest post.
- minimum: text (and/or icon) above the post (content) like Twitter's "Pinned Tweet" or Facebook's "Pinned Post", or
Aaron Parecki's little "pin" icon on a green triangle in the top right of a post block.
- maybe a separate border around the post? especially if there is a header like "Recent Activity" after the pinned post but before the normal ordered stream of posts (FB does this)
- new template slot? a specific spot in a home page template for a pinned post may help move some presentational distinctions to just HTML+CSS, and leave the "engine" to just find and put a pinned post in the right spot in the template. The more presentation that can be done in HTML+CSS rather than procedural coding, the better. Since this may be engine specific, I’ll add more in: Falcon#pinned_posts
- minimum: text (and/or icon) above the post (content) like Twitter's "Pinned Tweet" or Facebook's "Pinned Post", or
détails de marquage
Tantek Çelik Just an h-entry. Should a pinned post have any different markup than a regular post? Only if there is a specific use-case need, otherwise, it's just a post.
Tantek Çelik Still part of explicit (or implicit) h-feed on the page. Since a pinned post should only be shown once in a stream (instead of twice, at the top and in the stream in sort order), the pinned post h-entry should be either explicitly in the same h-feed, or at least at the same level (from a microformats2 parser perspective) as the other h-entrys on the page, so that h-feed consuming code will just include it in the overall stream it presents to readers etc.
- Modèle:Kevinmarks mastodon's api has a 'pinned' boolean but that doesn't show up in the h-feed except as:
<div class="status__prepend"> <div class="status__prepend-icon-wrapper"> <i class="status__prepend-icon fa fa-fw fa-thumb-tack"></i> </div> <span> Pinned toot </span> </div>
The Atom feed doesn't have the pinned statuses in.
Aaron's pinned posts likewise have
<div class="ui green right corner label"><i class="ui pin icon"></i></div>
tag ou catégorie spécifique
- I want to be able to pin posts in different feeds, ie. on certain tag pages. So the post could still appear chronologically in places where it's not pinned. - Modèle:Rhiaro
- Note:
Aaron Parecki has implemented this, e.g.
épingle et fichiers de flux
- I don't want a reader to treat a pinned post as always the most recent in a feed. Do readers sort things themselves by published date, or display things in the order they pull them from a feed? - Modèle:Rhiaro
Tantek Çelik I would not do anything with pinning in feed files. Readers are likely to just display in dt-published order most recent first anyway.
Tantek Çelik I am considering implementing pinned posts, but having them auto-unpin (or expire) after some period of time like ~60 days. This will both make them easier to implement, and also provide an automatic way to not have to worry about unpinning something eventually. I like systems that by default clean-up after themselves.
Sessions about pinning:
Voir aussi
- one day banner
- GitHub supports pinning of issues. Example as of 2018-12-28: FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer.