
De Mi caja de notas

⚓️ Friday February 11th, 2022

Daily Goal

Overcome Time-anxiety vs Octave’s meetup (tomorrow at 12:15pm) --- Morning flow with 🎶 and and 1 hour walk.

14:00 Cassia 🇦🇹 🎻 - No sound incoming from my iPad ? Small chat via Skype. 2nd Visio conf missed. Inner voice : stay calm xtof. It’s only f… technology. Todo : next week… Stay focused on you cape.

14:39 WhatsApp inbound w Philippe (Ukraine) - Video meeting via WhatsApp next Friday.

15:30 🚈 Gael (75015)


…Evening ?? 💇‍♂️ make 3 mistakes (Cook a dinner at home + live concert in Taverne 28) play a rejection therapy card (with Hermès the 🐶)

Protocoles_de_Communication : update and test visioconférences