De Mi caja de notas
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Déjeuner Mindmatch-2
Précédent Mindmatch : Mindmatch-1 w Bob qui embrasse DMY & PPC.
Merci les amis.
Brouillon. Note-Making à faire. Merci les amis d’être ce que vous êtes.
Envie d’apprendre à pêcher
La bise — tof
P.S. CR à écrire… on ne meurt pas :) Je vous recommande d’écouter attentivement les textes de l’interview du Grand Jacques Brel dans le remix ci-dessous diffusé lors du déj. @PPC, merci pour Bon Entendeur.
Feb 23th,2022 Brainstorming 🎵
(Sonate du diable - Tartini’s Dream)
Mindmatch lunch - topic : working in music 🎵
Ordre du jour : Rien….
Passer un bon moment ensemble. Célébrer nos plus beaux souvenirs.
🌀 Réminiscences discutées dimanche avec PhilJ en direct de Kiev et moments partagés : Geektrip, CantineCamp, OpenKitchen, LifeCamp…
3 mots-clés du matin :
- Santé mentale et musique
- Working With Music
- Écrire en musique (clavier tempéré)
Venez avec vos 3 mots magiques, c’est tout et on sait que ça fonctionne :)
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🎶 News du jour
- 2022-054 : Daft Punk de retour
🎶 for games
- Barcamp Making music for games https://www.barcamp.am/en/speeches/496
🎵 discover
- Discover dans la communauté micro.blog (indieweb) > https://micro.blog/discover/music (aspiration émoticône 🎵 dans la timeline communautaire. Par ex :
🎵 jam du jour : Sonate du Diable de Tartini
- - hors sujet / à nettoyer et migrer - ->
❤️ Joie de vous retrouver
12:45 sur l’invite, sentez-vous à l’aise pour passer à l’heure qui vous arrange.
tof This is my jam.[1]
Boîte déroulante
|titre = Accès la maison ducamp (nogozone)
|contenu =
Métro : Barbès ou Château Rouge[2]
1 rue des Poissonniers 75018 Paris Code 14A04 2e étage première porte à droite }}
My Jam
usages et UI https://www.thisismyjam.com/xtof/songs
This Is My Jam (abbreviation TIMJ) was a silo for sharing music you were enjoying, commonly called "jams". It was operational between 2011 and 2015.
A jam lasted for up to a week, emphasising the ephemeral nature of jams as favourite songs at that particular point in time. Users could follow each other, like and comment on each other’s jams. Jams were picked from YouTube, SoundCloud, The Hype Machine, Vimeo, and other sources on the open Internet, as well as uploaded songs that users owned the rights to.
This Is My Jam had an API, however no one used it to POSSE to. You could manually POSSE however, and some folks who published jam posts also POSSEd them to TIMJ.
See jam: IndieWeb Examples for more.
This Is My Jam went into a read-only mode on 2015-09-26. The specific reasons were outlined in Jam Preserves, a blog post written by the founders Matt Ogle and Hannah Donovan:
After nearly a year assessing many options, we’ve decided to stop operating This Is My Jam in its current form.
This Is My Jam will become a read-only time capsule in September. This means you won’t be able to post anymore, but you’ll be able to browse a new archive version of the site.
Your profile data (jams, loves, etc) will also be exportable in a few formats, including text lists; the read-only API will stay online for developers who want to play;
Open source:
we’ll also be open sourcing as much code as we can on Github.
Problems with proprietary snowflake APIs:
keeping the jams flowing doesn’t just involve our own code; we interoperate with YouTube, SoundCloud, Twitter, Facebook, The Hype Machine, The Echo Nest, Amazon, and more. Over the last year, changes to those services have meant instead of working on Jam features, 100% of our time’s been spent updating years-old code libraries and hacking around deprecations just to keep the lights on. The trend is accelerating with more breaking/shutting off each month, soon exceeding our capacity to fix it.
Licensing and geo barriers increased:
more sophisticated licensing and geographic controls meant “sorry, this cannot be played here” messages became the norm rather than the exception.
thisismyjam.com now redirects to an archived copy of the website on the Wayback Machine.
The team published a data dump on the Internet Archive that contains anonymized jam, like, and follower data.
See Also
Sarcasme indieweb
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Music for the Masses is a Depeche Mode album (sometimes informally referred to as for the masses) named sarcastically in response to being told to make something “more commercial” — if you’re obsessing about building your IndieWeb project “for the masses”, please don’t, instead, start with principle 3: make what you need.
See Also
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_for_the_Masses
- make what you need
- “There are in fact no masses, but only ways of seeing people as masses.” ― *Raymond Williams*
- ↑ (Dingo de Pattern Language, je me suis cassé la tête sur Pattern Language for music…
- ↑ (aucun danger, n’achetez pas les clopes de contrebande…)