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🏗 Kit de démarrage indieweb - iwc:Getting_Started localisation avant migration sur iwc:Getting_Started-fr

Vidéos et Articles

Regardez une vidéo ou lisez un article, valable pour tous les niveaux :



Rejoignez la Communauté

Vous voulez discuter avec des personnes avant de vous engager ?

Venez à une rencontre Homebrew Website Club dans une ville proche de chez vous pour rencontrer en personne les membres de la communauté IndieWeb, pour poser vos questions et partager vos expériences & motivations pour rejoindre IndieWeb. Vous pouvez aussi demander des services de consultant si ça vous dit.

Ou vous voulez plonger directement sur un weekend avec des makers IndieWeb ?

Sentez-vous à l’aise de passer cette étape, d’avancer et de revenir vers la communauté pour bénéficier d’une aide quand vous en aurez besoin.


Nous avons des tutoriels pas-à-pas qui vous emmèneront sur tout le chemin en partant d’une idée pour un nom de domaine jusqu’à un Site Web Indie à part entière.

Services IndieWeb

Le chemin le plus facile pour arriver sur l’IndieWeb se fait avec un service qui supporte l’IndieWeb.


Micro.blog s’est lancé avec le support IndieWeb dès le jour 1 et peut être paramétré très rapidement !


Blogger est l’un des plus anciens services de blog hébergé et il peut être paramétré pour produire beaucoup de fonctionnalités IndieWeb. Cela requiert plus de travail que Micro.blog, mais si vous êtes déjà sur Blogger, jetez un oeil !


WordPress.com est le service hébergé WordPress. Il peut aussi se régler avec quelques fonctionnalités IndieWeb, mais cela demande aussi plus de travail, et pour certaines fonctionnalités peut exiger un plus haut niveau de service payant.

CMS et Hébergement IndieWeb

Si vous souhaitez commencer avec Known ou WordPress et un service d'hébergement Web, il existe des Tutoriels étape par étape qui vous permettront de trouver une idée de nom de domaine sur un site web indépendant à part entière, actuellement sur Amazon Web Services et Reclaim Hosting.

Utiliser Known Utiliser Wordpress
Sur Amazon Web Services
Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Impossible d’enregistrer la vignette sur la destination

Tutoriel : Paramétrer un site web indépendant utilisant Known sur Amazon Web Services

Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Impossible d’enregistrer la vignette sur la destination

Tutoriel : Paramétrer un site web indépendant utilisant WordPress sur Amazon Web Services

Sur Reclaim Hosting
Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Impossible d’enregistrer la vignette sur la destination

Tutoriel : Paramétrer un site web indépendant utilisant Known sur Reclaim Hosting

Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Impossible d’enregistrer la vignette sur la destination

Tutoriel : Paramétrer un site web indépendant utilisant WordPress sur Reclaim Hosting

En général
Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Impossible d’enregistrer la vignette sur la destination

Tutoriel : Démarrer sur Known

Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Impossible d’enregistrer la vignette sur la destination

Tutoriel : Démarrer sur WordPress

  • Vous avez des tutoriels pour Known ou WordPress sur d’autres services d’hébergement ? SVP, sentez-vous libre de les ajouter ou rejoignez les canaux de discussion et ramenez-les !

Voir aussi :

Il existe de nombreuses autres options (domaine, logiciel, hébergement, etc.) pour configurer votre site web indépendant. Lisez la suite pour plus de choix pour chaque étape !

Il existe de nombreux CMSs IndieWeb supplémentaires (principalement open source) en plus de Known et WordPress :

Table de comparaison : Tableau des CMSs IndieWeb

Disposer d’un domaine personnel

Article principal : personal-domain

🌐 You need your own personal domain to use as your primary online identity:

  • Get your own personal domain name - Ask a friend or colleague for a recommended domain name registrar (e.g. that they use and like/trust/respect)
  • Domain Privacy - Most domain name registrars will make your personal information publicly available (name, mailing address, phone number, email address). Many registrars offer domain privacy options, so that instead of your personal details the registrar's details will be in the whois directory. Only use domain privacy if you fully trust the provider of the service -- disputes about domain name administration or transfers may get tricky if you are not listed as the legal owner of the domain.

Why? See why. This is the key first step to joining the indieweb, owning a domain name you can use as your primary online identity.

Disposer d’un endroit pour votre contenu

📝 Next, you need a place for your content.

Here are three options to choose from depending on your preferences.

GitHub Pages

GitHub pages are free and have a web interface for creating & editing. For quick hosting you can use github-pages as a first step to get online. No installation needed.

  • Follow the blank-gh-site instructions to clone it and set it up in your GitHub account, or come to a Homebrew Website Club meetup and ask for help. You can be setup to publish in minutes.

There are other free but more limited options described in Transitional Steps.

Hébergement Web

Web hosting costs a little but provides much more capabilities.

  • Sign up with a web hosting provider (ask friends and colleagues who they use for their personal websites that they're happy with, also see Lifehacker's list of 5 best web hosting companies)
  • Set up your domain name to be served by your web hosting provider

Serveur Maison

Using your own server at home costs more and takes more time to set up — for developers only.

  • You can also self-host on your own server. Interesting to hobbyists are the many Small Computers available that can be used as servers, including Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone Black, Intel Galileo, and a host of other small, low-power computers.

Régler votre site

As a community with diverse interests, desires, and levels of technical know-how, there are multiple approaches to setting up a site on the Indieweb.

Une Page Simple

📄 All you really need to get started is a simple one page site, which you can setup using the blank-gh-site project.

Guides CMS

📑 If you already know or have a preference for a content management system, see these specific guides for setting them up on your domain.

These two are highly recommended and have dedicated help and support forums, see the projects page for more options.

If your web hosting provider has a control panel like DirectAdmin, cPanel or Fantastico, it may allow have an option to quickly set up a content management system in a few clicks.

Paramétrer votre page d’accueil et la connexion web

🏡 Create and upload a simple index.html home page with your name, icon, and rel-me links to your social network profiles. Make sure that the profiles link back to your domain.

The website https://indiewebify.me/validate-rel-me/ has a handy tool to validate that your domain name and profiles are linked together correctly.

Why? This ensures that it is easy to see that your profile on the social networks are all the same person as your domain name. This will also allow you to sign in to sites that support IndieAuth — like this wiki!


🔧 Indiewebify.me provides step-by-step guidance and tools to test & validate your progress. See Tools for more useful things for building & debugging an IndieWeb site.

Ajouter de l’info vous concernant

👤 Update your index.html home page to include your basic information in an h-card. This h-card can be as simple as your name.

The website https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-card/ has a handy tool to validate your h-card.

Why? When you publish content, you can link back to your home page using rel-author and your authorship information can be retrieved from the h-card.

Advantages: While you are not yet publishing content on your own site, at this point you have:

  1. Staked your claim on the indieweb
  2. Set up an identity that you own and control

Why add my basic contact information in an h-card?

  • This helps with providing authorship information for anything you publish and link back to your home page with rel-author.

These are small but important steps to declaring your independence from content silos.

Ajouter des liens aux médias sociaux existants

✴️ Why add links to your social media profiles?

  • By linking from your personal site to your existing social media, and having your social media profiles link to your personal site, it sets you up to use your domain as your IndieAuth identity — to sign into this wiki for example. For more details, see: setup web sign-in.

Advantages: while you are not sharing your content on your own site yet,

  • you've staked your claim on the indie web, and
  • setup an identity that you own and control.

Publier du contenu sur votre domaine

📰 Using whatever project or CMS you have installed on your server, post something!

Add microformats to your content

📑 Add the h-entry microformat markup to your posts. Many CMSs and themes already support them!

You can use the h-entry validator to verify that your recent post has validate your h-entry.

Why? This will allow other people's software to easily read and understand your content. This is useful for a variety of things like recognizing comments, likes, reposts, and displaying reply-contexts for your posts.

Syndiquer Ailleurs

Article principal : POSSE

📤 Set up automatic syndication of your posts so copies of your IndieWeb content can be published (semi-automatically) to your existing social media so your followers there will see your IndieWeb content .

This practice is called POSSE, short for Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere.

By setting up POSSE, you can have your posts pushed to specific social media silos with a personal permalink back to the original on your own site.

Why? By POSSEing your content to silos, you allow those that read content on those silos to continue seeing what you have to say, while you retain ownership and control of your content on your own site.

Remember: Incremental progress is OK and encouraged! POSSE does not have to be totally automatic to be effective. Use a CMS with POSSE support (or POSSE plugin for it), or post on your site and manually sharing to social media (including a link back to the original). This will help you figure out what works for you and what is worth the effort to automate.

Partager et Nous Rejoindre

Next steps:

  • Share what you did / discovered in the process of building your IndieWeb site, even if it is only a single page, with a simple design.
  • Ask what you can/should do next in the discussion channels.
  • Check the list of events and join us at the next IndieWebCamp or Homebrew Website Club meetup!
  • Once you can IndieAuth or log into the wiki, create your user page by wikifying yourself.
  • Document what you've done and add your site and details to the IndieWeb examples section of relevant pages to share what and how you've done it with others.

Facultatif / Étapes Bonus

Port old silo content to your site

Once you are posting on your own site and POSSE'ing out content to social silos, port your old silo content to your own site with permalinks on your site. Typically this involves a one-time export and batch import process. Here are some popular social content silos:

Paramétrer un raccourci d’URL personnel

Article principal : permashortlinks

Why? A personal short domain will let you create permashortlinks which help:


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