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💬 Rejoignez les discussions #indieweb discussions via les interfaces web, Slack, IRC, ou Matrix avec des canaux supplémentaires pour les discussions de dev, wordpress et spécifiques meta !

Vous vous demandez Quel canal devrais-je utiliser quand et pourquoi ?

Lire les Discussions

Les discussions concernant l’IndieWeb prennent place prioritairement dans nos canaux chat :


Rejoindre les Discussions

Rejoignez les discussions ! Le salon de discussion IndieWeb est relié de façon équivalente sur quatre services de chat différents afin que les utilisateurs puissent choisir la modalité qui corresponde le mieux à leurs besoins.

Pour faire que votre avatar s’affiche sur certaines plateformes, vous devrez vous ajouter vous-même à la liste des noms de chat (même si vous n’utilisez pas IRC.) Du fait de certaines restrictions, les avatars peuvent ne pas être reliés sur toutes les plateformes.

Objectifs des Canaux de Discussion

Chacun de nos canaux_de_discussion a un objectif spécifique documenté en-dessous.

Si vous n’êtes pas certain de savoir quel canal utiliser, demandez dans #indieweb-meta !

canal indieweb

Welcome to the indieweb! how to get on the indieweb, get started, how to post, what to post, indieweb events to join the community in-person, why indieweb, what software / services are ready for users to use without dealing with coding or command lines.

Keep it user-centric please! Find someone using jargon, code, or dev talk? Politely invite them to ask / discuss in the dev channel (see below).

Not sure if you should ask a technical question here? Ask yourself:

  • Could someone who has never built a website understand what you’re about to say/ask?
    • If not, please ask in the indieweb-dev channel instead!

canal indieweb-dev

#indieweb-dev (#dev dans Slack)
Outils de développement, services (comme Bridgy), problèmes, APIs, création de ce que vou voulez à part le contenu, et toute forme de jargon. par ex. création, design, UX, détails d’implémentation, protocoles (commeHTTP, Webmention, Micropub, IndieAuth), formats (comme HTML, CSS, microformats2, h-entry, h-card, h-event), frameworks,

langages de code (comme JS, PHP, Python, Ruby), configurations de serveurs (Apache, nginx, HTTPS), et autres plomberies.

canal indieweb-wordpress

#indieweb-wordpress (#wordpress in Slack)
WordPress-specific topics (Getting Started with WordPress, IndieWeb WordPress plugins, WordPress themes, general WordPress development)

canal indieweb-meta

#indieweb-meta (#meta in Slack)
Anything about the indieweb community or shared resources, and community organizing like events: planning events, wiki gardening, wikifying, discussion about the community / discussion channels (IRC, Slack, Loqi) / wiki.

canal indieweb-chat

#indieweb-chat (#chat in Slack)
Off-topic channel for discussing anything, and is not publicly logged. Even though Slack has some number of lines of scrollback this channel is considered off the record. It is the expectation of community members that this channel remains off the record. Explicit quoting or event summarizing someone should only occur after getting explicit permission.

Canal de Chat en rapport

Les canaux apparentés utilisés par la communauté :

canal microformats

#microformats (#microformats dansSlack)
Ask about microformats in general, or the process of developing a new one or new features by researching, documenting examples, brainstorming, etc.

canal knownchat

#knownchat (#known in Slack)
Similar to the wordpress channel, the Known channel is for Known-specific topics (plugins, evolution, troubleshooting etc.)

Utilisateurs Slack

Utilisateurs de Slack :

  1. Join the IndieWeb Slack Community!
  2. Rejoignez les canaux supplémentaires !
    • From the desktop: click the **Channels** heading in sidebar to view the other channels. Click a channel, i.e. # dev, it will show you a preview of that channel with a Join Channel button.


Les salons de discussion (excepté pour le canal #indieweb-chat) peuvent être cherchés sur

Différences entre les services de chat

Each of these four options is roughly equivalent from a text perspective, though each may have features, configurations, or other niceties that differentiate them somewhat from each other.

Some platforms, like Slack, will unfurl URLs or provide a link-preview into the chat while others will allow wiki page names pre-pended with a slash to autolink to the exact wiki webpage (eg: "/principles" in some chat platforms will link to the principles wiki page. Slack emoji responses aren't bridged to other platforms, so giving a heart or thumbs up to someone's post won't be seen unless they're also on Slack. Depending on your chat client, users from Matrix may show up with a [m] on their usernames or users from Slack appear with their username in brackets. Some usernames may have the word "app" after them to indicate their content is originating from another platform.

Utiliser un client IRC

  1. If you're already an IRC user, setup your client with:
    • Server: irc.freenode.net
    • Port: 6697 (usually default)
  2. Join the channels above (by clicking on the chat links)


Il n’y pas de liste de diffusion ! 🎉

This is a deliberate decision. We encourage focusing on short discussions in chat and capturing incremental agreements/disagreements on the wiki. This also discourages long essays and repetition of arguments that can take place on email threads.

Pour en savoir plus, regardez

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